Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
MUST WATCH videos for Lurkers about FAITH & OPENMINDEDNESS
by Calebs Airplane infaith.
looking forward to your comments!.
Divine intervention in finding Whitney's body? Really??
by undercover in
new article in local media how the jw church played a crucial role in finding whitney heichel's body.
the true part is that the jw community does come together at times of crisis to help each other, no critique of that.
Calebs Airplane
This is a very disturbing story...
For some reason, it reminds of a story I read recently about sick animal haters who killed their neighbors pets for the stupidest reasons (barking, urinating on car tires, etc.) and then placed the dead pet in an area of the neighborhood where they knew the pet's owner who eventually find it (while jogging, biking, etc.).
I mean no disrespect to the Heichel family in using this "pet analogy" (probably not the best example to use), but this raises a very important question:
What kind of God would allow the death of an innocent human being and then "guide" people to the dead body through divine intervention? ... a pretty sick one I'd say...
Thinking of becoming a JW.
by Kate82 inhi,.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
Calebs Airplane
Kate82... no you don't need to cover your head...
The Governing Body has NEVER claimed to be inspired
by Alfred inthere was a recent thread here which covered the subject of the gb claiming to be spirit directed (and not actually inspired by the holy spirit).
by now, most of us are quite aware that this is just a play with words to excuse themselves whenever one of their false doctrines is debunked (by someone using the bible or their own publications).
but when you think of it, spirit-directed is actually more presumptuous than spirit-inspired.. that being said, id really like to draw attention to the fact that the wt continuously claims that the governing body of jehovahs witnesses has never claimed to be inspired by god (through his holy spirit).
Calebs Airplane
I wonder if the GB 3.0 will soon reclaim their prophet status now that they've dissed all of the non-Brooklyn annointed...
The WT proves again that it does not understand Child Psychology
by Christ Alone ini posted this elsewhere, but wanted to create a thread about this specifically.
here is one way that i think the wt is absolutely wrong in it's advice on raising children:.
in the 1/13 awake they talk about mistakes that parents make with their children.
Calebs Airplane
yet another failed attempt to create humble and docile drones for the 3rd overlapping generation.
2013 Special Talk PDF "Does Death End It All?"
by yknot in
huggles y'all!!
Calebs Airplane
(Adhere closely to the outlined material...)
Calebs Airplane
I think the super-secret elder's manual "Shepherd the Flock" page 72 sums it up nicely.
It basically gives pedophiles a way out... With the 2-witness rule still in place, all the pedo has to do is deny, deny, deny and the matter will simply be "left in Jehovah's hands".
Attention WT Writing Department: When was Frederick Franz baptized??? Please make up your mind!!!
by Calebs Airplane inpop quiz for the watchtower writing department.... .
when was frederick franz baptized?
april 4, 1914 or november 30, 1913?.
Calebs Airplane
They can't even get a simple baptism date correct... From their 4th President no less!!!
Is there any subject the Watchtower HASN'T flip-flopped on?
who was the craziest person in your congregation?
by grumblecakes inpls share, i love these stories!.
Calebs Airplane
The annointed pioneer wife of the congo's PO... she would always say the strangest things... also, she would also try to sell exotic birds while out in Field Circus (from Monday thru Friday since she usually took Sat & Sun off)... if the householder took the rags and gave a generous contribution, that would be her green light to peddle her birds (but only when she was paired up with certain sisters who would get a cut of the action). One Saturday morning, I had to endure a tongue lashing from a householder who was pissed because this annointed pioneer sister sold her a sick bird and then refused to exchange it for a healthy bird... All I could do was stand there in embarrassment and apologize... This annointed pioneer sister died about 8 years ago. It's assumed that she died from an asthma attack while feeding her birds which she kept in one of her bedrooms.
Attention WT Writing Department: When was Frederick Franz baptized??? Please make up your mind!!!
by Calebs Airplane inpop quiz for the watchtower writing department.... .
when was frederick franz baptized?
april 4, 1914 or november 30, 1913?.
Calebs Airplane
Pop Quiz for the Watchtower Writing Department…
When was Frederick Franz baptized? April 4, 1914 or November 30, 1913?
Here’s a couple of quotes from the Watchtower magazine to help you determine the answer…
*** w875/1p.25LookingBackOver93YearsofLiving***
(as told by Frederick W. Franz)
On April 5, 1914, in Chicago, Illinois, I symbolized my consecration—as we used to call dedication—by water baptism.
*** w933/15RewardedWith“theCrownofLife”***
Brother Franz was born on September 12, 1893, in Covington, Kentucky. He came in touch with the truth through an older brother. At that time he was attending the University of Cincinnati, preparing to become a Presbyterian minister. Instead, he separated from the Presbyterian Church and became associated with the Bible Students, as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called. He was baptized on November 30, 1913 , and the following year he left the university and entered the colporteur (pioneer) work.